Medical Abstracts

Deadline for submission to this track: Wednesday 1st May 2019

Notification of outcome to authors: Mid June 2019

Submit your abstract here

For those with work of a technical focus (e.g. computer science, data science, big data systems and analysis, development of technology), we recommend submitting your paper/abstract to the DPH system. Deadline for submissions is 25th May 2019. Accepted papers submitted to our Main and PhD Tracks will be published in ACM DPH 2019 proceedings. Accepted submissions to our Poster and Demo Track will be published on the DPH Conference website.

For those with more of a medical, practice-based focus (e.g. healthcare systems, training, policy), we have teamed up with our partners at EPH to offer you the opportunity to submit your abstract to their dedicated ‘Digital Health’ Track. You will need to submit your Medical Abstract (for either paper or poster presentation) via the EPH portal and select the ‘Digital Health’ track. Deadline for submissions is 1st May 2019. Submissions accepted by EPH will be published in the European Journal of Public Health. Missed the EPH 1st May deadline? You can still submit your medical abstract to the DPH system up until 25th May 2019 and get published in the ACM DPH 2019 proceedings.

Abstract types

EPH welcomes the following types of abstracts to its ‘Digital Health’ theme:

  • Research abstracts
  • Policy abstracts
  • Practice abstracts
  • Training and Education abstracts

Submission format

For full information on the structure required for abstracts submitted to EPH, please see the European Public Health Conference guidelines. When submitting your abstract to the EPH system you should indicate your first and second presentation preference:

  • Oral presentations: 60-minute sessions with 8 minutes per speaker including discussion. There will be 5 speakers
  • Pitch presentations: 60-minute sessions with 8 speakers, 5 minutes with 2-3 minutes discussion, maximum of 5 slides per speaker (without animations), including opening or closing slides.
  • Poster presentation: The score of the abstract will decide if you are scheduled for:
    • E-Poster displays: these include a number of posters abstracts not included in the so-called poster walks. These posters are merely displayed on the poster stations during the entire conference but not presented/moderated
    • E-Poster walks: 60-minute sessions with a maximum of 15 poster presentations. All posters must be submitted in advance to the conference and will be displayed at E-Poster stations in a designated area. Poster sessions are held as poster walks in the parallel programme, moderated by an expert

Review process

All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the International Scientific Committee (ISC) consisting of over 90 public health experts from 25 countries. Please note that the ISC is using a double anonymous system for scoring (authors of the abstract are not known to the ISC, the ISC members are not known to the authors of the abstract).

Each abstract will be reviewed by 3 to 4 reviewers and scored on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Does the abstract follow the guidelines?
  • Is the subject matter appropriate for the EPH Conference?
  • Is the information new enough and innovative?
  • Is the overall quality of the abstract sufficient?
  • Is the methodology adequate or sufficient to support conclusions?
  • If applicable, is the design of the study appropriate?
  • Do data adequately or sufficiently offer support for conclusions?
  • Are the results adequately summarised?
  • Does the information have relevance for the rest of Europe?

Notification of outcome

You will be notified of the acceptance of your abstract(s) by mid-June 2019, and the score will be added in the abstract submission system. This means you will have to log in to find out the decision on your abstract. Amendments to the abstract are possible until 1 May by re-entering the database. Between 1 May and 14 June, the abstracts cannot be amended. Accepted abstracts can be corrected from 15 June until 15 July. After 15 July corrections are no longer possible. Further instructions for authors whose abstracts are accepted for oral, pitch or poster presentation are posted on the EPH Conference website.

Submit your abstract here