Guido Giunti

Guido Giunti

Role: Hackathon Team
Affiliation: Salumedia Tecnologías, Spain and University of Oulu, Finland

Guido Giunti MD is the Medical Advisor at Salumedia Tecnologías and PhD Candidate at the University of Oulu, Finland as part of the Horizon 2020 CHESS Programme. His PhD project involves persuasive interventions through mobile applications in chronic disease patients for behavioral change.

Staff writer for over two years at, the leading online publication in mHealth and emerging medical technologies, and Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Medical Internet Research Serious Games publication. Dr. Giunti teaches Internal Medicine and Physical Examination at the University of Buenos Aires where he organizes the university’s TEDx event. He is also a visiting instructor at NuVu Studio Cambridge, an innovative education institute related to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that uses hands-on problem-solving to solve complex, comprehensive problems. Dr. Giunti teaches students about health and medicine through game design workshops.